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Communicate to Impact


Have you had a faint doubt in your heart, the moment of anxiety and fear while voicing your opinion, freezing while you’re communicating?

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Memorable Storytelling


Understanding the WHYs and HOWs of effective storytelling will help you to convey more meaning with fewer words – ultimately making you a better.

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Communicate to Differentiate


Have you ever wondered what it takes to make an impression on someone? Well, let me tell you a secret… that’s voice modulation.

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Mastering brevity & briefness


Content is King, but conciseness is the Holy Grail. Brevity is the soul of wit. Concision is the soul of language.

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Making ideas stick and tick


Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager or an employee, we all need to get better at coming up with ideas.

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Structured risk-taking


Making informed risk-taking decisions is a complex process and all of us are risk takers in one way or the other.

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The Discipline of Prototyping


Have you ever wanted to get better at prototyping? Prototyping is a vital process that every organization should undergo.

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Becoming corporate ready


What makes a Professional? Looking at the definition of ‘Professional’ in the Oxford & Collins Dictionary. From a layman’s perspective.

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Discipline of Planning


Have you ever wondered how some people are able to achieve so much in their lives? It’s not magic, it’s the science of planning.

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Becoming an ideas Ninja


Being innovative means more than coming up with great ideas, although that’s a big part of it. It also means taking those great ideas.

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Finding your inner compass


The quest for finding your passion, is a long and arduous journey with so many twists and turns, ups and downs; it’s easy to lose one’s way.

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Art of Asking Questions


Questions are like a key to unlocking new concepts, knowledge and answers that could solve problems, help you reach your goals and make better decisions.

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Deepen Listening


Are you an entrepreneur, manager or professional who relies on your listening-sensing-observing sensibilities to be at your best?

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Creative & Consultative Selling


As a small entrepreneur or a startup, or even a large corporate, you’re often pitched by sales professionals on how they’ll be able to create possibility.

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The art and science of crafting content


A lot of folks think great content could only be found via science. While the way to nurturing great content is indeed a science.

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Shark Tank Pitches


As a small entrepreneur or a startup, or even a large corporate, you’re often pitched by sales professionals on how they’ll be able to create possibility.

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Communicate Right- Guide to Holistic


Everybody knows that communication is very important. However, do we give the same importance to our internal act of communicating?

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Dealing with Ambiguity


As a small entrepreneur or a startup, or even a large corporate, you’re often pitched by sales professionals on how they’ll be able to create possibility.

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Sense making amidst Chaos


These days, it’s extremely difficult to stay focused and on a mission in the face of the abundance of distractions.

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Unravelling Routine


It’s common to hear people say to create a routine, but after you’ve been in the game for a while, you begin to notice it’s not all that simple.

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Connecting the Dots


How to think out of the box when you are stuck with a problem and can’t figure it out no matter how hard you try?

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Acing the Game of Creativity


Creativity needs a wild mind and a disciplined eye, but creativity is also about consistency, experimenting with a zillion ideas.

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Finding Your Inner Picasso


Have you ever wondered how to bridge the wide gap between your daily work grind, responsibilities and running out of energy to be inspired?

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