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Equipping professionals with the communication dexterity required to carve out their own growth trajectory.

Through our marquee program at NLC, we provide a staggered, structured and pragmatic approach to cultivating crucial corporate communication skills. This is done through our tried-and-tested experiential module, with emphasis on business communication and presentation skills through a blend of:

  • In-depth masterclasses
  • Action learning programs
  • Industry-based case studies
  • Harnessing dialogues

We actively deploy the above insights while designing the learning journeys.

What will it entail?

Our inclusive, all-encompassing module on the ABC’s of corporate communication comprises of the following essential concepts:

  • Spoken Communication – the art of selling, pitching, customer engagement, presentation skills & voice modulation.
  • Written Communication – email writing, report consolidation, business proposals.
  • Conversational Intelligence – body language, negotiation skills and building an executive presence.
  • The Art of Storytelling & Networking Etiquettes.
Why is it necessary?

The crux and gist of the engagement are to facilitate individuals to

  • Create an impact through their words and presence and leave residue and recall in the minds of people they converse with Cultivate essential skills required to succeed in a the sales and marketing field Engage meaningfully with their extended ecosystem to drive bigger outcomes & alignment.
Phases of Deployment

Phase 1
Context Gathering & Pre-work

A session of context setting post which the participants shall be required to complete an assortment of tasks designed to trigger questions and instill a basic understanding of the agenda at hand.

Phase 2
Staggered Solution Deployment

Post curating insights from context gathering, we stagger the endeavor into different phases & sequential steps.

Phase 3
Measuring Impact & Application

Post deploying the of the solution, an extensive set of activities are undertaken to measure the impact of
learning on a leader’s day-to-day working & driving outcomes.