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Activities aimed at developing collaboration and trust, strengthening the lines of communication between team members and promoting healthy competition.


Game brief

Putting together a group of wooden blocks in the shortest time possible.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Dealing with ambiguity
  • Process Optimization
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Embracing change
  • Working together v/s individually
Rube Chain Reaction

Game brief

Organising a set of props like Jenga blocks, toy cars, dominoes etc, in a sequence so as to create a self-sustaining machinery that can ring a bell when a butterfly effect is induced.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Collaborative team work
  • Feedback circulation
  • Thinking on your feet
  • Tackling rejection
Tower of Power

Game brief

Building a tall, stable tower of wooden blocks using strings and a manual crane.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Collaboration & team work
  • Innovative mindset
  • Tackling discouraging feedback
  • Significance of communication
The Roller Coaster Challenge

Game brief

Creating a working roller coaster through which a with the given resources through which a cricket ball can comfortably slide through.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Collaboration & team work
  • Creativity
  • Innovation and effective execution
The Labyrinth

Game brief

Finding a way through a labyrinth by way of communication and continuous feedback.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Collaboration & team work
  • Innovative mindset
  • Tackling discouraging feedback
  • Significance of communication
The Domino Rally Challenge

Game brief

Arrange domino pieces in elaborate designs and patterns to trigger the butterfly effect.

Suitable for themes like:

  • Clarity of thought
  • Clear communication
  • Focus & Strategy
  • Creativity