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Are you an entrepreneur, manager or professional who relies on your listening-sensing-observing sensibilities to be at your best?

“Listening to Sensing Observing” is a 4-letter acronym we use to summarise the element of listening, inferring and observing your environment.

Our surroundings are teeming with latent and weak signals of possibilities – some clear, the rest not so. How can we soak up these signals to capture ideas and find patterns? Listening, Sensing and Observing will give you ‘power’ – the power to tap into unconventional paths of ideas. Come learn why Deepen Listening-Sensing-Observing is the key to unlocking ideas and patterns of opportunities.’

In this module you will learn how to listen deeply makes you a better listener, better able to understand people and cultures more fully – which is the first step toward a deeper insight into what they want and how they will respond to offers.

What are the major takeaways?

Discover, Deepen, & Demystify the ‘Power’ & the *Process of Listening Sensing Observing

Hacks to listen deeply, infer the unsaid, and process the spoken & explicit component.

Mechanism to ‘Sense’ and ‘Smell the room, capture trends, and seize weak signals of a “Big Trend”.

Mechanics of observing your environment and milieu for stumbling across ideas & drawing connections.

Practise relaxed efficiency for optimum results.

What can you expect from the session ?

  1. Contextualization & Customization-The fungibility and application of LSO across a variety of contexts, backgrounds, and Industries.
  2. Stories & Anecdotal Facilitation Exploring the might of LSO through proven case stories and anecdotes.
  3. Practise Exercises – Experience the process of LSO through specifically curated exercises and experiences.

Who should attend ?

  1. Corporate Professionals with an aspiration to break out of ‘Routine’ & ‘Redundancy’
  2. Leaders on a lookout for the next ‘Big Idea’, ‘Trend’, and Insight
  3. Entrepreneurs on a pursuit to understand their customers better
  4. Freelancers/Self-Employed Individuals with a focus to provide apt solutions to their clients
  5. Any individual who wants to deepen and get better at this holistic skill

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