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At a Glance

Division Head Mr. Sourav Dey at Godrej Retail approached NLC to create a 3 months long developmental journey to prepare their selected sales Hi-Pots for an internal promotion interview series.


Godrej Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate eadquartered in Mumbai and operates in sectors as diverse as real estate, consumer products, industrial engineering, appliances, furniture, security and agricultural products. They enjoy a patronage of 1.1 Billion consumers.

12 Hrs
4 Workshops for Cohort
32 Hrs
of OTO Interviews
Success Rate


To prepare and brace selected Hi-pots from the Godrej Retail sales, we created a one-of-a-kind module on ‘Acing Sales Interview’. The intent of the entire endeavor was to enable and equip these sales leaders to face the series of interviews based on Godrej Success Factors with the panelist with confidence and be able to portray the work they had undertaken in the field with brevity, precision, and confidence.

Solution offered

We structured Focus Group discussions with the reporting managers (National Sales Heads) of the participants as well as the participants to capture their learning needs, challenges on ground, and aspirations from this endeavor. The initiative was coined as ‘Parivartan’ to highlight the metamorphosis needed to showcase the impact they had created.

— Power Introductions Impact Timeline The Journey So far

— Debrief & Interpretation of Godrej Success Factors

— Simulations based on each Godrej Success Factors

In Depth Approach

  • The entire endeavor of Parivartan was bifurcated into 4 sessions at a cohort level and 4 One to One Interview Simulation Sessions based on GCF for each of the participants.
  • A simulation interview was conducted with each participant at the onset of the initiative along with assigned pre-work. At the end of the entire endeavor, a delta report was crafted for each of the participants
  • The workshops were designed to cover different dimensions of the interview including dressing, power introduction, data-driven storytelling
  • The group session was conducted by the NLC team on a standalone basis and simulations sessions were conducted in conjunction with Godrej leaders and the NLC team as the panelist.